SRL’s primary function is to facilitate a process to guide expenditure of Research and Development (R&D) levy funds independently collected from industry by State Government agencies and leveraged via the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). Accordingly, the FRDC is a key SRL partner with strategically aligned R&D priorities and objectives. Further information in relation to the FRDC can be found here with additional information regarding the Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) in place between SRL and the FRDC available here.

SRL also works to attract and secure other R&D funding sources outside of the FRDC process. 


Project List


The list below details all of the research and development projects that Southern Rocklobster Limited has administered since the company's inception. All public final reports are accessible by clicking the relevant hyperlinks. Final reports are not available for current projects or projects with intellectual property restriction but may be available on request.

If you are a member of Southern Rocklobster Limited, please contact the Executive Officer for access to IP restricted reports.

Project Number Organisation Title Link
N/A University of Tasmania Supply risk of bait in Australia’s Southern Rock Lobster Fishery View Report
2017-224 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Southern Rock Lobster Clean Green program, revision, digitisation & extension across the supply chain
2017-082 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Ensuring monitoring and management of bycatch in Southern Rock Lobster fisheries is best practice
2017-086 Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Taroona Improved risk management of paralytic shellfish toxins in Southern Rock Lobster
2017-051 South Australian Research and Development Institute Seafood CRC: Extending biotoxin capability and research in Australia through development of an experimental biotoxin contamination facility to target industry relevant issues
2017-013 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rebuilding Southern Rock Lobster stocks on the east coast of Tasmania: informing options for management
2016-502 Belinda Yaxley Conducting a gap analysis of Southern Rock Lobster and Australian Barramundi Farmer Association industry accreditations against the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative benchmarking scheme
2016-410 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Southern Rock Lobster Planning and Management for a National Research Development & Extension (RD&E) Program
2016-258 South Australian Research and Development Institute Assessing the efficiency of alternative pot designs for the Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery
2016-257 Honey and Fox Pty Ltd Implementing and evaluating the Australian Seafood Trade Agenda 2016 - 2018 - Seafood Trade Advisory Group (STAG)
2016-235 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Improving post-harvest survival of live held Southern Rock Lobster
2016-228 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SRL IPA: Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market
2016-208 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Waste to profit in urchin fisheries: developing business opportunities to ensure fishery sustainability and safeguard reef dependent fisheries from destructive urchin grazing
2016-177 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Phase 2: Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market
2016-055 South Australian Research and Development Institute Field trials to experimentally test if alternative sea lion excluder devices (SLEDs) adequately prevent Australian sea lions from entering rock lobster pots
2016-005 South Australian Research and Development Institute eSAMarine – phase 1: the first step towards an operational now-cast/forecast ocean prediction system for Southern Australia
2015-212 South Australian Research and Development Institute SafeFish - research to support food safety, trade and market access
2015-034 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) reports 2016, and further development of the SAFS production and dissemination system
2015-025 Deakin University Geelong Waterfront Campus Patterns of interaction between habitat and oceanographic variables affecting the connectivity and productivity of invertebrate fisheries
2014-726 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SCRC: Measuring condition of lobsters to improve management of harvesting around periods of high transport mortality
2014-725 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Seafood CRC: dynamics of growth in translocated lobsters View Report
2014-702 South Australian Research and Development Institute Seafood CRC: Southern Rock Lobster IPA: informing spatial and temporal management of the South Australian Northern Zone Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery View Report
2014-030.20 Koopman Family Trust Mapping fisheries data used to support Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Reports View Report
2014-030 Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) Status of key Australian fish stocks (SAFS) reports 2014 and beyond
2014-025 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Developing cost-effective industry based techniques for monitoring puerulus settlement in all conditions: Phase 2
2014-011 Southern Cross University (SCU) Lismore Campus Direct age determination with validation for commercially important Australian lobster and crab species (western, eastern, southern and ornate rock lobsters, and crystal, Tasmanian giant and mud crabs) View Report
2013-749.40 Daxue Consulting SCRC: Understanding the market positioning opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster in China (Joint Aust/NZ)
2013-749.30 Seafood CRC Company Ltd SCRC: Understanding the market positioning opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster in China (Joint Aust/NZ) Travel & Expenses
2013-749.20 Honey and Fox Pty Ltd Seafood CRC: understanding the market positioning opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster (SRL) in China
2013-749.10 Seafood CRC Company Ltd SCRC: Understanding the market positioning opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster in China SRL Expenses
2013-749 Seafood CRC Company Ltd Seafood CRC: understanding the market positioning opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster (SRL) in China
2013-748.40 Seafood CRC Company Ltd Seafood CRC: Improved understanding of economics in fisheries harvest strategies
2013-714.10 Tasmanian Abalone Council Ltd SCRC: Establishing improved trade access and market development for Australia's Abalone and Rocklobster to China - Project Officer
2013-713 South Australian Research and Development Institute Seafood CRC: Understanding and reducing the risk of paralytic shellfish toxins in Southern Rock Lobster View Report
2013-232 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) SRL IPA: Rocklobster Trans Tasman cooperation workshop
2012-765 Rural Directions Seafood CRC: Southern Rock Lobster clean Green Business Framework
2012-761 Gill Consulting Seafood CRC: China trade project officer
2012-741.20 Seafood CRC Company Ltd SCRC: Market diversification opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster
2012-741.10 Mckinna Et Al Pty Ltd SCRC: Market diversification opportunities for Southern Rock Lobster (McKinna)
2012-741 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Seafood CRC: market diversification opportunities for Southern Rocklobster
2012-715 Grey Group Seafood CRC: preliminary investigation into alternative markets in Asia for Southern Rocklobster
2012-711.01 Seafood CRC Company Ltd SCRC: FRDC/CRC Participants' Workshop on Procedures for Collecting Funds for Marketing and Promotion
2012-705 China Policy Seafood CRC: improving trade and market access to the People's republic of China for Australian rocklobster and abalone industries
2012-704 Kreab Gavin Anderson Seafood CRC: Industry strategies to support intergovernmental negotiations concerning the export of Australian Rocklobster and Abalone to China
2012-511.01 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Southern Rock Lobster IPA: communications and extension in the Southern Rock Lobster fishery
2012-511 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Southern Rock Lobster IPA: communications and extension in the Southern Rock Lobster fishery View Report
2012-008.01 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Assessing the impact of marine seismic surveys on southeast Australian fisheries
2012-008 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Assessing the impact of marine seismic surveys on southeast Australian scallop and lobster fisheries View Report
2011-744 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Seafood CRC: commercialising translocation of southern rock lobster
2011-402.01 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) People development program: Enabling productivity and efficiency gains in Australian rock lobster fisheries – the 2011 trans-Tasman 7th Rock Lobster Congress.
2011-402 New Zealand Rock Lobster Industry Council Ltd People development program: Enabling productivity and efficiency gains in Australian rock lobster fisheries – the 2011 trans-Tasman 7th Rock Lobster Congress. View Report
2011-250 South Eastern Professional Fishermen's Association Inc (SEPFA) Southern Rock Lobster IPA: Assessing functionality and suitability of the iPhone application 'Deckhand' for on-board electronic data capture in Southern Australian Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fisheries View Report
2011-072 South Australian Research and Development Institute SRL IPA: assessing the feasibility of spatial management in the South Australian Northern Zone Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery View Report
2011-020 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SRL IPA: Developing cost-effective industry based techniques for monitoring puerulus settlement in all conditions: trials in southern and western Tasmania View Report
2011-020 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SRL IPA: Developing cost-effective industry based techniques for monitoring puerulus settlement in all conditions: trials in southern and western Tasmania View Report
2010-740 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SCRC: AS-CRC PDRF Project - Fisheries Economist
2010-736 South Australian Research and Development Institute Seafood CRC: development of formulated diets for cultured abalone
2010-714 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SCRC: The Future Harvest Master Class
2010-708 University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) SCRC: International and Domestic Business PDRS
2010-506 University of Tasmania (UTAS) FRDC-DCCEE: adaptive management of temperate reefs to minimise effects of climate change: developing new effective approaches for ecological monitoring and predictive modelling View Report
2010-402.01 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Southern Rocklobster National RD&E Planning and Management
2010-402 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) SRL IPA: Southern Rocklobster National RD&E planning and management View Report
2010-016 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Assessing the impacts of gillnetting in Tasmania: implications for by-catch and biodiversity View Report
2009-762 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SCRC: PhD 5.04 Assessing the costs and benefits of changing fishing practices in the southern rock lobster fishery (Dr Bridget Green; Student Tim Emery) View Report
2009-756 University of Tasmania (UTAS) SCRC: PhD : Managing fisheries to maximise profits by understanding and reducing variable costs of fishing
2009-714.20 South Australian Research and Development Institute Seafood CRC: bioeconomic decision support tools for Southern Rock Lobster
2009-223 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Development of an Industry Partnership Agreement for the Southern Rocklobster Industry
2009-058 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Tactical Research Fund: managing inshore stocks of southern rock lobster for a sustainable fishery View Report
2009-047 Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) Sustainability of the rock lobster resource in south-eastern Australia in a changing environment: implications for assessment and management View Report
2009-016 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rebuilding Ecosystem Resilience: Assessment of management options to minimise formation of ‘barrens’ habitat by the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in Tasmania - Supplementary Funding
2008-003 South Australian Research and Development Institute Standardising data collection across the southern rock lobster fisheries of South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania
2007-302 Shearwater Consulting Pty Ltd 5th National Rocklobster Congress - growing the future View Report
2007-228 Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd Rock Lobster Propagation Subprogram: Facilitated development and coordination of research towards the commercial propagation of rock lobsters in Australia
2007-045 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rebuilding Ecosystem Resilience: assessment of management options to minimise formation of ‘barrens’ habitat by the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in Tasmania View Report
2006-241 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Implement and establish the USA market development platform to enable trade of certified clean green Australian Southern Rocklobster – extension of FRDC project 2006/216
2006-235.30 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QLD) Rock Lobster Propagation Subprogram: Commercially viable production of tropical rock lobster (Panulirus ornatus) puerulus from eggs. QDPI
2006-235 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rocklobster Propagation Subprogram: commercially viable production of temperate rocklobster (Jasus spp.) puerulus from eggs
2006-220.01 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Seafood CRC: Improving spatial management of southern rock lobster fisheries to improve yield, value and sustainability
2006-220.01 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Seafood CRC: Improving spatial management of southern rock lobster fisheries to improve yield, value and sustainability
2006-220 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Seafood CRC: Spatial management of southern rock lobster fisheries to improve yield, value and sustainability View Report
2006-216.20 Australian Business Ltd Seafood CRC: USA market development project: establishing the USA market requirements
2006-216.01 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Seafood CRC: Development of supply chain, distribution and communication tools to support entry of Australian southern rocklobster into the super-premium-fine-dining sector in the USA
2006-216 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Seafood CRC: Development of supply chain, distribution and communication tools to support entry of Australian southern rocklobster into the super-premium-fine-dining sector in the USA
2006-215.01 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Seafood CRC: Southern rocklobster industry research and development planning, implementation and extension
2006-215 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Seafood CRC: southern rocklobster industry research and development planning, implementation and extension
2006-214.01 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Improving supply chain practices and processes to increase the value of southern rocklobster
2006-210 Curtin University Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: facilitation, administration and promotion
2005-058.01 South Australian Research and Development Institute Interactions of the South Australian southern rock lobster and Commonwealth southern shark fisheries with seals and sealions
2004-251 Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) Identification of new market opportunities for southern rock lobster exports
2004-239 Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption View Report
2003-241 Curtin University Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption
2003-212 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: propagation of southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in Tasmania
2002-313 South Australian Rock Lobster Advisory Council (SARLAC) Southern rock lobster R&D plan and subprogram development
2002-238 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: quantification of shell hardness in southern rock lobster
2001-094 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: health assurance for southern rock lobsters
2000-250 Curtin University Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: facilitation, administration and promotion
2005-217 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: the feasibility of translocating rock lobsters in Tasmania for increasing yield View Report
2005-077 South Australian Research and Development Institute Assessment of the implications of interactions between fur seals and sea lions and the southern rock lobster and gillnet sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) in South Australia View Report
2004-049 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA The effects of western rock lobster fishing on the deepwater ecosystems off the west coast of Western Australia View Report
2004-037 Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) Spatial modelling and assessment of the Victorian southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery View Report
1999-315 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: propagation techniques
2003-242 South Australian Research and Development Institute Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: value-adding the southern rock lobster fishery -optimising flesh quality of under-valued large lobsters for the sashimi market View Report
1999-314 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: preliminary investigation towards ongrowing puerulus to enhance rock lobster stocks while providing animals for commercial culture
2002-007 CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart Larval transport and recruitment processes of southern rock lobster View Report
2001-211 Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption View Report
2001-072 Abalone Industry Association Of SA Inc Development of options for improving the planning and managing of abalone and southern rock lobster wild catch R&D View Report
2001-070 Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) Can production in the southern rock lobster fishery be improved? Linking juvenile growth, survival and density dependence to sustainable yield View Report
2000-251 University of Western Australia (UWA) Rock Lobster Post Harvest Subprogram: development of a method for alleviating leg loss during post-harvest handling of rock lobsters View Report
2000-212 CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: the nutrition of juvenile and adult lobsters to optimise survival, growth and condition View Report
2000-211 University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: investigation of tail fan damage in live-held adult rock lobsters View Report
2000-123 South Australian Research and Development Institute Risk analysis and sustainability of the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) resources in SA View Report
1998-362 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Workshop on post settlement processes affecting the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in southern Australia View Report
1994-134.05 Aquasearch ACThe bio-economic development of long term holding systems and aquaculture of southern rock lobster
1998-341 South Australian Rock Lobster Advisory Council (SARLAC) 3rd International Lobster Congress View Report
1993-087 South Australian Research and Development Institute Population dynamics of southern rock lobster in SA waters
1998-150 University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus Development and assessment of methods to reduce the predation of pot-caught southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) by maori octopus (Octopus maorum) View Report
1993-086 South Australian Rock Lobster Advisory Council (SARLAC) Population dynamics of southern rock lobster in SA waters
1998-103 CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart Synthesis of existing data on the early life history of southern Australian finfish View Report
1990-007 Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Hobart Assessment of spatial and temporal variation in puerulus settlement of the southern rock lobster View Report
1997-101 University of Tasmania (UTAS) Assessment of broad-scale exploitation rates and biomass estimates for the Tasmanian southern rock lobster fishery View Report
1996-160 South Australian Research and Development Institute Condition and its assessment in the southern rock lobster. Field application of the techniques for condition assessment developed in the laboratory View Report
1975-022 Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Hobart Determination of population parameters for yield calculations in the Tasmanian southern rock lobster fishery
1988-041 Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Hobart Pilot study of larval recruitment and genetic variation of southern rock lobster populations
1995-018 Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) Southern rock lobster recruitment study View Report
1972-029 South Australian Research and Development Institute Studies of the western population of the southern rock lobster in the south-east region of South Australia
1995-017 South Australian Research and Development Institute Condition and its assessment in the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii). Assessment of condition indices and moult staging techniques View Report
1971-018 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA Preliminary investigation of the south-east coast of WA to determine the possibility for the development of a fishery on southern rock lobster